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Social Anxiety and Adolescents

Social Anxiety and Adolescents Navigating more complex peer relationships, academic demands and identity issues can be daunting. Managing the multitude of changes that occur during adolescence can lead to anxiety as concerns about the future and conflicts about independence emerge. Fortunately, psychotherapy can help teenagers cope more effectively with difficult emotions and increase self-confidence. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness techniques I use are evidenced based and highly effective for anxiety and depression issues. The following are areas I treat for anxiety. Anxiety Issues Chronic Worry: Do you worry excessively about the future, academics, or relationships? Anxiety and worry is normal for everyone to experience throughout their lifetime. However, many adolescents may have chronic anxiety about every day events. This is often referred to as generalized anxiety disorder. The adolescent with chronic worry may find that after one anxiety issue subsides, a...

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